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Sichuan Will Construct Giant Panda Ecological Tourism Ring Routes

  Opening the map of Sichuan, you will see various rivers running through. As the famous province with “a thousand rivers”, Sichuan will focus on the Yangtze River Economic Belt and design new tourism routes along this golden river. On May 23rd, reporters learned from Sichuan Tourism Development Commission that Sichuan Tourism Development Plan for the Yangtze River Belt (hereafter referred to as The Plan) has been released. The Plan specifies that by 2020, the number of domestic tourists traveling in Sichuan will surmount 1.1 billion, indicating that over two thirds population of China will have been traveled in Sichuan. Meanwhile, Sichuan will also create Tibet and Qiang tourism cultural brands based on Jinsha River, Minjiang River, Jialing River and so on.

  Moreover, Sichuan will also construct giant panda ecological tourism ring routes based on Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and Natural Reserve for Giant Panda and so on. The tourism routes will include giant panda towns, giant panda forests, and giant panda camps. What is worth mentioning is that in the future Sichuan will initiate to apply for world heritage for giant pandas.

  The Plan: Domestic tourists will surmount 1.1 billion
  Based on The Plan, by 2020, the total tourism revenue of Sichuan will surpass 1.2 trillion yuan with the annual growth rate of over 16% and domestic tourists of 1.1 billion. Domestic tourism revenue of Sichuan will amount to 1.1874 trillion yuan. Meanwhile. inbound tourists will amount to 4.75 million and foreign exchange earnings from tourism will reach 1.967 billion US dollars.

  In terms of ecology, Sichuan has conducted effective management and protection for 266 million mu state-owned forests and collective non-commercial forests, converted farmlands to forests of 1.3364 million mu, enhanced and constructed 35 national or provincial wetland parks, completed the control and management of 1.02 million hectares of barren lands and sand lands, managed over 25,000 square kilometers in comprehensive control, and handled 18,000 square meters of lands suffering from water and soil erosion.

  In terms of culture, Sichuan will form Tianfu water culture system focused on Jiansha River Tibet and Yi corridor, Minjiang River Tibet and Qiang corridor, and Chengdu, create cultural brands of Jialing River, and make these rivers into the classic representation of stereoscopic mount and river culture for the Yangtze River golden tourism.

  Highlights: Building cruise tourism routes of golden waterway

   As a province with a thousand rivers, Sichuan has various rivers. The Plan will construct a corridor (namely the upstream Trunk River Corridor of Yangtze River), a center (namely Chengdu as the center of world tourism destination), and three belts (namely Tibet and Yi, Tibet and Qiang, as well we Saint River tourism belts along Jinsha River, Minjiang River, and Jialing River).

  Specifically, Sichuan will build Yibin-Luzhou Yangtze River Port along the upstream Trunk River Corridor of Yangtze River in order to link with Chongqing. Therefore, this could be a cruise tourism routes of this golden waterway linking with the Delta Region of the Yangtze River, the middle stream of the Yangtze river and Chengdu-Chongqing city agglomerations through the form of cruise traveling.

  In Jinsha River basin, Tibet and Qiang corridor tourism belt will be the focus of Sichuan to construct in the future. Relevant responsible officials indicate that this tourism belt is equipped with mysteries and natural, ethnic diversity which integrates Tibet and Yi cultures with Sager cultural zone, Huoer cultural zone, Zhaba cultural zone, Muya cultural zone and so on as sound representatives.

  While at Minjiang River basin, there mainly distributes Tibet and Qiang cultures and red revolution site tourism. While Sichuan will create saint images of “Nature, Earth, Human and God” along Jialing River basin.

  Projects: Constructing giant panda ecological tourism ring routes

  Sichuan is full of tourism resources. In the future, Sichuan will also base on the golden waterway of the Yangtze River to design 2 major tourism routes. First one starts from Songpan Minjiang River Source, passes through Chuanzhu Temple, Wenchuan and Mao County Tibet and Qiang Cultural Corridor, Tianfu Water Culture, Leshan Giant Buddha Culture, Yibin (the first city along the Yangtze River), and ends at Nanxi Yinghai Sightseeing Site. While terms second starts from Xichang Qionghai Qingfang River Source, passes through Panzhihua, Xiangjiaba, Yibin (the first city along the Yangtze River), and ends at Golden Delta of Chinese alcohol.

  Apart from waterway of the Yangtze river, Sichuan will also construct giant panda tourism cluster brands. Sichuan will construct giant panda towns, giant panda forests, and giant panda based on Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and Natural Reserve for Giant Panda and so on and the industrial chains of seeing and accompanying giant pandas. Meanwhile, Sichuan will construct brands of “outdoor paradise for giant pandas” to expand European and American markets.

  In addition, Sichuan will complete a series of products based on hengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Wolong Bifeng Valley Outdoor Domestication Research Base and Wild Giant Panda Exploration, the only giant panda home in the world. In this process, Sichuan will promote giant panda world heritage declaration and construct giant panda ecological tourism ring routes.

  Traveling: Planning to construct 5 high-speed Railways
  In the future, tourists from Sichuan or other places can enjoy the most beautiful scenery of Sichuan by high-speed Railway.
  The Plan has indicated that Sichuan is creating express Railway tourism brand lines, and designing another 5 high-speed Railways apart from Chengdu-Guiyang High-speed Railway, Chengdu-Lanzhou High-speed Railway, Lanzhou-Chongqing High-speed Railway, and Xi'an-Chengdu High-speed Railway. These 5 newly designed high-speed Railways include Chongqing-Kunming High-speed Railway, Hanzhong - Bazhong - Chongqing High-speed Railway, Mianyang - Suining - Neijiang - Zigong - Yibin Intercity Railway, Chengdu - Zigong - Luzhou Railway and Ya'an - Kanding Section of Sichuan-Tibet Railway.

  In terms of brand lines, Sichuan also plans 7 high-speed brand tourism routes based on Chengdu-Mianyang Intercity Railway, Chengdu - Dujiangyan Railway, Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway, Dazhou-Chengdu Railway and so on. Tianfu New brunch tourism lines are designed for Dujiangyan, Meishan, Leshan, Emei and so on. Chengdu-Chongqing Intercity tourism lines aims for leisure tourism in Western China and experiencing Ba and Shu Cultures, including Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanchong, Yibin, Leshan and so on. World heritage tourism line offers tourists to experience beautiful scenery of world heritages and Tibet and Qiang styles, including Jiuzhai Valley and Songpan.

  Apart form high-speed railways, Sichuan also specifies 15 regional airports to assist tourists to arrive at tourism destinations as soon as possible including Jiuhuang Airport, Hongyuan Airport, Yading Airport, Ganzi Airport and so on.

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