Open Governance
Sichuan's Emergency Broadcasting Effectively Serves Flood Control and Disaster Mitigation Efforts

On July 16, the reporter obtained information from the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Radio and Television indicating that the province's emergency broadcasting system has been effectively integrated into flood control, disaster mitigation, relief operations, and the emergency command system during this flood season. The provincial emergency broadcasting platform has disseminated 8,027 pieces of information regarding meteorological warnings and updates on flood control and disaster mitigation, enabling the public to quickly understand local emergencies and effectively supporting flood control, disaster mitigation and relief work.

As the primary system for disseminating emergency information at the grassroots level, emergency broadcasting is vital for pre-disaster early warnings, in-disaster guidance, and post-disaster awareness campaigns, thanks to its extensive reach, convenience and rapidity. In the recent flood control and disaster mitigation efforts conducted at the grassroots level throughout the province, multiple regions have maximized the use of emergency broadcasting to assist the public, thus reducing their disaster-related losses.

In recent days, the northeastern part of Sichuan has been hit by significant rainfall. In the early morning of July 11, the heavy downpour led to a continuous increase in the water levels of several rivers in Dazhou City. After receiving emergency evacuation notices, townships along the Zhouhe River, such as Dongcheng and Xicheng subdistricts in Tongchuan District, continuously broadcast evacuation messages to riverfront businesses and residents through emergency broadcasting. Consequently, 561 people were evacuated, and 266 vehicles were successfully relocated in a timely manner.

Due to persistent heavy rainfall, numerous areas in Nanchong City have been affected by urban flooding. Langzhong City, a part of Nanchong, employed emergency broadcasting to promptly distribute significant meteorological information bulletins and early warning messages on disasters. Furthermore, the frequency of emergency broadcasts was escalated in response to the evolving situation, thus raising public awareness regarding flood control. To date, Langzhong City has employed emergency broadcasting and the "village-to-village" radio network system to distribute over 500 pieces (times) of flood control emergency information, resulting in the evacuation of more than 1,000 people from four key flood control townships and the riverside area of the Gucheng District.

In the southern part of Sichuan, Yibin City has increased the frequency and prolonged the dissemination period of flood control and disaster mitigation information across all its emergency broadcasting platforms, aiming to heighten public safety awareness and improve emergency evacuation capabilities. According to a relevant leading official from the Yibin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcast-TV and Tourism, since the onset of the flood season, the municipal and county (district) emergency broadcasting platforms have relayed and edited over 1,000 pieces (times) of early warning and forecast messages concerning rainfall, flooding, meteorological conditions and flash floods, assisted county (district) emergency departments in mobilizing and evacuating more than 800 disaster-affected people, and distributed over 500 pieces (times) of science communication messages about flood control and disaster mitigation.

"Currently, the provincial emergency broadcasting system comprises one provincial platform, four municipal platforms, and 162 county-level platforms. The system encompasses over 200,000 emergency broadcasting terminals and more than 420,000 emergency loudspeakers across the province, ensuring coverage of all administrative villages," explained Luo Dongxia, the emergency broadcasting project team leader at the Sichuan Radio and Television Technical Center. In response to the frequent occurrence of rain storms during the flood season, the Sichuan Emergency Broadcast Center has developed a specialized science popularization plan for rainstorms and provided relevant educational content, as noted by Luo. Various platforms utilize loudspeakers and other terminal equipment to conduct science popularization for rainstorm preparedness.

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