Open Governance
Shi Xiaolin Attends and Addresses the Provincial Video Conference on Promoting the Rectification of Prominent Ecological and Environmental Issues

On July 8, the Sichuan Provincial Video Conference on Promoting the Rectification of Prominent Ecological and Environmental Issues was held in Chengdu. Shi Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Acting Governor of the People's Government of Sichuan Province, attended and addressed the conference. She emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, fully implement the plans and requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the provincial Party committee on ecological and environmental protection work, adhere to goal-oriented and problem-oriented approaches to actively taking solid actions, firmly pursue green development that prioritizes eco-environmental conservation and protection, strive for high-level protection to underpin high-quality development, and effectively propel the advancement of ecological civilization and the Beautiful Sichuan initiative.

Shi Xiaolin stressed that it is essential to fully recognize Sichuan's significant mission and vast advantages in safeguarding national ecological security, profoundly understand that lucid waters and lush mountains bring abundant development resources and also provide the most inclusive benefits for the people's wellbeing, maintain a clear awareness of the severe challenges and major tests confronting Sichuan in ecological and environmental protection, be equipped with a stronger sense of responsibility, a more proactive attitude, and more effective measures to comprehensively advance eco-civilization construction, and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of consolidating ecological shields along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

Shi Xiaolin pointed out the necessity of achieving a higher standard in winning the critical battle of pollution prevention and control, strengthening air pollution prevention and control, enhancing targeted scheduling, timely implementing responsive strategies, and intensifying more efforts to address the resurgence of air quality issues; highlighted the importance of strengthening efforts in water pollution prevention and control, particularly focusing on small watershed management, to maintain Sichuan among the first echelon in the country for water environmental quality; stressed the need to strengthen soil pollution prevention and control to establish a solid foundation for the soil safety of the "granary of heaven"; and called for the enhancement of ecological conservation and restoration, advancing with a holistic and systematic approach to conserving and improving mountain, water, forest, farmland, grassland, and desert ecosystems. Efforts should be made to accelerate the green transformation of development models, concentrate initiatives on optimizing and adjusting the industrial, energy and transportation structures, and see to it that reducing carbon emissions and mitigating pollution operate in parallel with expanding green transition and promoting economic growth. We must solidly address the rectification of feedback issues identified during eco-environmental protection inspections, utilizing these inspections as opportunities to drive problem-solving and enhance our work.

Shi Xiaolin underscored the necessity of implementing the responsibility system in a down-to-earth manner, strengthening collaborative and linkage actions, and enhancing the effectiveness of ecological and environmental protection efforts. It is essential to strengthen the responsibility in work, ensure strict enforcement of shared responsibilities by both Party and government bodies, as well as the safety requirements in three management fields (industries, business, and production), and dispel misconceptions such as the belief that external environmental impacts are uncontrollable, the perception that management measures have reached their limit, and the notion that ecological and environmental protection cannot be harmonized with stable economic growth and employment stability. It is necessary to bolster the collective strength in carrying out work. Relevant departments should proactively engage in research, systematic planning, and enhanced collaboration, clarify objectives and measures, and coordinate both current and long-term priorities to effectively advance the decisive and holistic battle against ecological and environmental protection challenges. It is imperative to strive for tangible results in our endeavors, unequivocally reject vague and generalized solutions, one-size-fits-all simplifications, silo mentalities, and evasive strategies to avoid conflicts, and champion the gradual delegation of responsibilities and tasks, alongside the effective implementation of empowerment and services at every organizational level.

Shi Xiaolin also made arrangements for recent key tasks. She required efforts to strengthen economic operation analysis, enhance the scheduling of key tasks, and meticulously plan and prepare for the economic work in the second half of the year. Efforts are required to respond to the people's aspirations for a better life, address the public's concerns over pressing issues related to wellbeing, and roll out concrete measures to effectively handle the wellbeing affairs in areas like employment, income, education, healthcare, elderly care and child care. Efforts should be made to guard against various risks and hidden dangers, closely monitor flood situation in the key period from late July to early August, coordinate initiatives in areas like flood control and disaster reduction, geological disaster prevention and management, and workplace safety, and effectively prevent and defuse risks in areas such as local government debt, finance, and real estate to maintain overall social stability.

During the conference, a special video on typical cases from the third round of central inspection on ecological and environmental protection was presented. Tian Qingying, Vice Governor of the People's Government of Sichuan Province, chaired the conference and arranged for the next key work. Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor of the People's Government of Sichuan Province Dong Weimin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Vice Governor of the People's Government of Sichuan Province Pubu Dunzhu, Vice Governors Hu Yun, Zuo Yongxiang, and Li Wenqing, Secretary-General of the People's Government of Sichuan Province Zeng Qing, and leading officials from relevant provincial departments attended the meeting at the main venue.

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